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Hibiscus Coast Athletics Club

Registrations open now www.hcac.co.nz
$30 season ( October - March)
Age 5 -14yrs

Whangaparaoa Tennis Club Junior Registrations

Online at www.wgptennis.co.nz  for the 2012/2013 season.
Juniors can either play weekly interclub in the Tennis Northern competition with a weekly coaching session, or attend Saturday morning non interclub coaching and social play. Registrations close for Interclub on Fridayi 21st September. For more information check out the website or contact Adrienne Croad 09 424 7526.

Silverdale Rugby Junior Touch Module

The following grades are being catered for:
Year's  1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6, Year 7/8 and Year 9-13. All mixed and boys grades will be offered but it is dependent on team registration numbers.
Team and Individual registrations will be accepted. Please contact Isy Stevenson – 426 5605 for further information.
Games will be played on Thursday afternoons with the first round commencing at 4pm on 18 October 2012.

Summer Registration

Sport Gulf Harbour Summer Registration.  Wednesday, August 22nd at Gulf Harbour School, Room 8 from 3.30 pm.  All our delegates will be there so come along and discuss with them what you would like to play...

...Summer Soccer
...Flippa Ball
...Twilight Netball

See you there..

Year 5 Win Hibiscus Coast School Netball Tournament

On Tuesday 30th July, a group of us Year 5 students  - Lily, Jessica, Charlotte, Josie, Amy, Annalia, and Mishke, plus us two (Chandler and Sacha) set off to the Hibiscus Coast Primary School Netball Tournament full of excitement and nerves down at Edith Hopper Courts in Manly!

We played four games, versing Whangaparaoa, in which we won 6-1. Then Warkworth was our next game, we had warmed up a little by then and were ready to do even better, which we won 9-1. After the first two games were played we were super happy and pretty confident. Next up was Red Beach, again we won 1-3. Then Kingsway which was the decider to see if we were to go through to the finals in which we won 12-1.

The excitement and nerves were at a all time high, as we were really needing to prove ourselves as a team and hopefully come away with a win!
When we got on court we played hard out, and with the most determination of the whole day as all we could think about was the trophy that we could possibly win. 

It felt like we had only been on court a few minutes and then the final whistle blew. We had won 8-4. Wow! We felt so awesome and knew that everyone who was watching us was really proud of us and or efforts. 

We then collected out trophies individually and as a team and headed back to school to share our great news with everyone!

We had such a fun day and can't wait for next years tournament!

Sacha and Chandler
Room 22

Turbo Touch - Stanmore Bay

Join the Winter Turbo Touch Action
When most people play Turbo Touch, they really do love it - why not give it a go for FREE?
Bring your friends and come on down on the 3rd of August from 4 - 7pm and join in the fun!
Venue:  Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre
Dates:  3rd August - 28th September 2012 (9 weeks including finals)
Teams and individuals can register now at www.turbotouch.co.nz or contact Sandi on: 021 286 8242
or sandi@touchnz.co.nz for more info.