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Flippa Ball - year 3 & 4 students

The Mini Marcos need players. Trainings will be Friday nights at 5pm till 6pm with the Storms and the Sea Eagles with Eddie being the coach.
Fees for this team will be $50 per member per term. This will cover training, Plus 8 weeks of games starting this Sunday.
Please can they contact me at  emtg@xtra.co.nz;
Thank you
09 4285420

GHS Student represents Silverdale

Mitchell Schmidt-Geen from Room 17, has been selected in the J3 rep squad for Silverdale Rugby Club for 2014 and has also been invited to represent Sivlerdale rugby in a Junior Rugby Tournament in Taupo in September which is a great achievement.

Sport Gulf Harbour – Elite Squad Trials

 We have an exciting new Elite Squad Coach – Leah Johnstone.

Trials for the Elite Squad will be held on Sunday the 27th July in the Wentworth Gymnasium, from 10.00am – 1pm. Athletes must be Year 6 or older to participate.

They will consist mostly of basic fitness testing, as well as some team building and problem solving games.
Those attending will be required to wear non-marking gym shoes (although some tests will be done outside) and appropriate exercise clothing (forearm and shine need to be exposed for trial numbers).
A towel, water bottle and sports drink is also recommended.

This opportunity is for every athlete who is a registered member of Sport Gulf Harbour, not just for the top teams/players, as Leah will be looking for more than just the most physically fit athletes on the day.