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Cross Country Time Table and Maps Thursday 15 August

We are excited to announce that on Thursday 15th August, Gulf Harbour School (Tuesday 20th reserve day) will be holding their annual Cross Country day.  This is an exciting day where students participate in their year groups in a cross country race at Shakespear Park.  All students have been training hard for this day during school time and we look forward to seeing the benefits of our students getting fitter.

An up to date programme of the day will be posted on the website. We are asking that all children be involved and students will need a note should they be unable to participate.  We are asking students to wear sports shoes and a tee-shirt the same colour as their school team (or PE gear if no colour).  We will be having team points running through-out the day and many opportunities will be given for students to earn these points and to get their names into a lucky dip sponsorship prize. 

The first few students home in year 5-8 will be chosen to represent our school at the Hibiscus Cross Country held later in August.  We look forward to building this team and preparing our top students for this event.

Students will need to be at school by 8:55 on the day of cross country and will be able to wear their running kit to school.  Please ensure they have a warm change of clothes to keep them warm when they are not participating or after their events.  Students will also need plenty of water and healthy snacks to keep them going.  We will have some food and drink for sale (sausages, and a limited supply of food and drink) down at the park and more information on this will follow.

We are asking for parents of children in the Year 0 - 2 levels to please help us in assisting these students with transport to and from the event.

Year 0 - 2 students will complete a 1000m run, Year 3 1200m race, year 4 and 5 will run the distance of 1.6km, while year’s 6-8 will cover a 3.2km distance.  The approximate times for events are on the reverse side of this sheet.

Only Year 0-2 will be transported to the venue in private cars. If you are able to support with transport please email or contact your child’s teacher. If you wish for your child not to be transported by private car (all will be wearing safety belts), please inform your child’s teacher.

We are requiring some parental help to ensure that our day goes smoothly.  Please email Mark Barrow m.barrow@ghs.school.nz if you are able to assist us in some way on this day.
Thank you

Mark Barrow, Ruth Taylor
Teachers in Charge

Plan for Cross Country Day  (Subject to change)

9.00am:             Roll call in classes at school.  Year 0-2 are collected from class by parents transporting them in cars to the event.
9:10:                 Assemble on school courts for briefing.
9:15:                 Leave school and walk to Shakespear Park in classes.
9.40:                 Arrive at Shakespear Park and assemble at Te Haruhi Bay.
9:50                  Be seated in year groups.
10:00                Welcome/House keeping
10:10                Year 0-3 Beach run begins staggered in year groups.
                        Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 walk through course (if interested)
10:40:               Year 4 & 5 marshall to start area.
10:45:               Year 4s race starts/ Boys then Girls
10:50:               Year 5s race start / Boys then Girls
11:15:               Year 6-8 Marshall to start area.
11:20:               Year 6s start race girls followed by boys.
11:25:               Year 7s start race girls followed by boys.
11:30:               Year 8s start race girls followed by boys.
12:00:               Lunch
12:30:               Year 0- 4 make their way back to school
12:45:               Year 5 - 8 team building cross country event
1:30:                 Tidy up of areas

2:00:                 Walk back to school.